Few weeks ago, T and I and Felix went to Rozelle market. To be honest, I am not really interesting in these market unless it is farmers' market  or food market. (Well, it is useful...I don't like just "looking" without buying and it is easy to make decision on buying food) But it is a shame that Felix was poo in the middle of pathway Anyway, after that we went to a second hand shop (again, I am not interested in that) but found a nice old book ----Sydney's Picnic Spots

    You might have thought about what happened next...yeah, we have decided to visit every spot which is listed in the book!!!!!! I was busy the whole week with work and so was he. Therefore we have decided to start from this weekend to visit the first spot but not too far. I chose Kissing Point Park to be our destination today. It is close to my place with waterview ( I like it). We had some good time there and a dirty dog back

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今天下午,我的好友兼移民顧問 May 打了兩通電話沒人接之後(我承認我這點很老人,常常聽不到自己的手機鈴聲),終於在MSN上逮到我,神秘兮兮地說有好消息要跟我說。

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The first radio program I listened to in Sydney is called "Love Song Dedication" of MIX 106.5.  I think almost every Sydneysider knows this station and as well as the program. In fact it is kind of "soap" program. It plays songs that everyone knows, which is "ba-la" songs or so called "classic love songs". For example, "My Heart will go on", "Endless Love", "When You Say Nothing At All"......you know that!

People can call-in or email to the program to request a song to the one you love and tell others your story in the air. So sometimes it is a happy story with a sweet song, or it may be a heartbroken story with a sad song. It is really a "soap" program but I really like it. I don't know it is because I like ba-la songs a lot or I love the program at first sight, NONO, first hearing

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It is the song from the movie I watched with Tome on Valentine's Day 『Music and Lyrics』. The melody is nothing impressive and the lyric.......is ok But I like singing and it is so called KTV song, which is easy to follow and learn. I can sing it now! Who wants to sing the male part???

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因為前一天有台灣朋友跟我大推『The Holidays』(戀愛沒有假期)這部電影,讓我也興起了念頭去看看這種『應景』浪漫喜劇。為什麼說應景呢,因為故事背景是飄著白雪的聖誕節,本地又是聖誕檔期上映的,那當然是所謂的假期強檔電影。

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