目前分類:CCM (3)

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發現這一篇文章,欣喜雖然這幾年來 blog 有一搭沒一搭的,還是記下了點東西。因為我幾乎忘了這首歌,甚至差點想不起來歌名。

這首歌是之前固定參加的教會常唱的一首歌,叫做 Servants of the gospel,由 Bryson Smith 以及 Philip Percival 創作。

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This is another one I like very much.  

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This is my favourite CCM※ since February 2006. I have finally found the lyrics in the end of 2006.  Actually it is always in the song book of my church and I have taken one picture of it before and pity it is blur  This morning I took my camera and capture this song (lyrics). I would like to post it on my blog so I can sing it whenever I surf internet or my blog. Or I may memorise whole lyrics after few practices then can sing wherever I am.

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